Amélie Champsaur
Chambers Europe
“She is extremely knowledgeable. She understands the needs and peculiarities of clients and is able to address them.”
Chambers Europe
“She is very dedicated and a terrific writer with deep subject-matter expertise.”
The Legal 500 EMEA
“The team is unique thanks to the competence and technicality of Amélie Champsaur, her intellectual agility and her strategic abilities. It is the best in prudential/dispute resolution matters.”
The Legal 500 EMEA
“Stand[s] out through [her] openness, [her] accessibility and [her] ability to provide educational details on [her] legal reading of the most complex cases. Creativity is also a big plus, as is technicality and the constant updating of knowledge, in particular backed by a very good mastery of EU law.
Amélie Champsaur’s practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, and investigations, particularly in the financial sector.
Amélie leads the firm’s EU financial regulatory practice and is active in the fast developing area of EU-level financial regulation, advising EU and non-EU banks, infrastructures, sovereigns, investment funds, and other market participants on a broad range of matters, including prudential regulation, governance and compliance (including cyber-security), bank resolution, state aid in the financial sector, and derivatives regulation, in the context of M&A, capital markets transactions, emerging risks, ESG, as well as enforcement and litigation.
She has also advised clients on the cross-border aspects of U.S. regulatory reforms, enforcement, and litigation matters, including on privacy matters.
Amélie joined the firm in 2003 and became a partner in 2012. She was a resident in the New York office from 2005 to 2006.
Notable Experience
Amélie has represented, among non-confidential matters only:
BNP Paribas in a victory against the EU Single Resolution Board (SRB) before the SRB Appeal Panel in relation to the setting of MREL for BNP Paribas and its subsidiaries BNP Personal Finance (France) and BGL BNP Paribas (Luxembourg).
Euronext in its €4.3 billion acquisition of Borsa Italiana from the London Stock Exchange Group.
Sienna Investment Managers, a subsidiary of investment management company Groupe Bruxelles Lambert and a platform for alternative investments, in connection with the acquisition of the Acofi group—renamed Sienna Private Credit.
BNP Paribas in a novel transaction in relation to Deutsche Bank’s global prime brokerage and electronic equities businesses and the acquisition of a Delta One book.
Banco Santander in the creation of a joint custody and asset-servicing business between Banco Santander and Crédit Agricole S.A., representing $3.8 trillion of assets across the globe.
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in the appeal by certain Nordic banks, before the Joint Board of Appeal of ESMA, EBA, and EIOPA, of ESMA’s decision according to which banks are not permitted to issue credit ratings.
Euronext on its successful bid for Norwegian exchange Oslo Bors and its defense against a competing bid by Nasdaq on EU financial regulatory grounds.
BNP Paribas and Credit Agricole in their lawsuit against the ECB before the General Court of the European Union, in relation to the leverage ratio.
UniCredit in successful defense of the prudential treatment of its CASHES regulatory capital instruments before the EBA, and ensuing litigation and settlement with an activist fund.
Several bondholders of Monte dei Paschi di Siena in connection with the proposed €8.8 billion recapitalization of Monte dei Paschi di Siena and associated bail-in of bondholders in litigation currently pending before the EU General Court.
BCP Millennium in litigation currently pending before the EU General Court in relation to the resolution of distressed Portuguese bank Novo Banco.
BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole, BPCE, and Credit Mutuel with respect to TLAC planning and implementation, including on the terms and conditions of new TLAC-eligible senior non-preferred notes and several regulatory capital (AT1 and T2) structuring and issuances for the U.S. markets and advice on several related U.S./EU resolution matters.
The Brazilian stock exchange and clearinghouse B3 on the implementation of the EMIR and CRD IV capital requirements and its application as a non-EEA central counter-party for recognition under EMIR, as well as MIFID2/MIFIR/Benchmarks advice.
The French and EU authorities (including the French Treasury and the Single Resolution Board) on the implementation of EU regulatory reforms, particularly on the CRD5/CRR2/BRRD2 package.
A number of financial institutions and trade associations including BNP Paribas, Natixis, and SIFMA on Dodd-Frank CFTC/SEC swap dealer registration, and on French bank secrecy, blocking statute, and data privacy matters in connection with the application of U.S. Dodd-Frank CFTC/SEC swap dealer registration to French banks.
Italian fund Atlante (Quaestio Capital) in connection with the liquidation of the Venetian Banks.
The Hellenic Financial Stability Fund in the recapitalization of four major Greek banks, in 2015.
The Vatican Bank since 2013 on the design and implementation of an EU-compliant prudential and compliance framework.
Selected Activities
trigger- Expert Member of the Haut Comité Juridique de Place, a high-level French government advisory committee on market infrastructures (since 2024).
- Fellow of the Salzburg Global Forum on Finance and the Harvard Symposium on EU/US Financial Regulation.
- Moderator of several World Economic Forum’s panel discussions on the design of a liability framework to address cyber-risks (2017).
- Lecturer at HEC Business School and Sciences Po (Paris).
“A New Regulatory Environment for Climate and Other ESG Reporting Rules,” co-author with Helena K. Grannis, Shuangjun Wang, and Léa Delanys, Cleary Gottlieb Selected Issues for Boards of Directors in 2025, January 16, 2025
“Supply Chain Due Diligence Obligations in Germany, France and the EU: An Overview,” co-author with Mirko von Bieberstein, Guillaume de Rancourt, Sebastian Kummler, Camille Kernevès, Andreas Wildner, and Marc Christopher Baldauf, Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, March 5, 2024
“Sustainability Reporting,” co-author with Camille Kernevès, and Andreas Wildner, Cleary Gottlieb Selected Issues for Boards of Directors in 2024, January 17, 2024
“The Application of the U.S. Securities Laws to A Bail-In of a UK or European Bank,” co-author with Andrew A. Bernstein, John D. Brinitzer, David I. Gottlieb, and Sarah E. Lewis, Cleary Gottlieb Memorandum, October, 20, 2023
“ClientEarth Ordered to Pay Shell’s Costs After Dismissal of Derivative Claim Against Shell’s Board of Directors,” co-author with Maurits Dolmans and James Brady-Banzet, Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, September 6, 2023
“High Court Reaffirms Decision to Refuse Permission for Derivative Claim Against Shell’s Board of Directors,” co-author with Maurits Dolmans, James Brady-Banzet, Naomi Tarawali, Nikita Lall, Andreas Wildner, and Leonor Vulpe Albari, Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, July 31, 2023
“EU Approves Ban on Products Linked to Deforestation,” co-author with Carlo Santoro, Vania Petrella, Clara Cibrario Assereto, Valentina Coli, François-Charles Laprévote, and Maurits Dolmans, Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, May 30, 2023
“France Revises Internal Investigation and Corporate Enforcement Guidelines,” co-author with Guillaume de Rancourt, Jean-Yves Garaud, and Delphine Michot, April 13, 2023
“Action Filed in UK Against Shell’s Board Members Regarding Management of Climate Risk,” co-author with Dan Tierney, Maurits Dolmans, Laurie Achtouk-Spivak, Robert Garden, and Clara Cibrario Assereto, Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, February 22, 2023
“The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, February 16, 2023, co-author with Clara Cibrario Assereto, Maurits Dolmans, Francesca L. Odell, Helena K. Grannis, Camille Kernevès, and Chris Macbeth
“The UK’s Post Brexit Financial Services Regulatory Framework – HM Treasury Consults on the Transposition of CRD V,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, July 17, 2020, co-author with Laura Prosperetti, Ferdisha Snagg and Bree Morgan-Davies
“CRR Quick Fix to Facilitate Lending in Response to COVID-19 Adopted,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, July 2, 2020, co-author with Michael Kern, Laura Prosperetti, Aurèle Delors, Caroline Hailey, Christophe Wauters, Ferdisha Snagg, Clara Cibrario Assereto, Giulia Rimoldi and Claudius Straub
“The UK’s Post-Brexit Financial Services Regulatory Framework – Details Emerge,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, June 26, 2020, co-author with Jim Ho, Ferdisha Snagg, Bree Morgan-Davies and Jonathan Griggs
“Summary of EU and UK Monetary Stimulus, Liquidity Support and Prudential Measures in Response to COVID-19,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, June 15, 2020, co-author with Aurèle Delors, Elodie Gianferrara, Christophe Wauters, Alexia Duquesne, Michael Kern, Christoph Trier, Claudius Straub, Laura Prosperetti, Clara Cibrario Assereto, Flavio Ciotti, Ferdisha Snagg and Anne Lim.
“The European Commission Publishes Its Ambitious Action Plan on Anti-Money Laundering,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, June 12, 2020, co-author with Caroline Hailey and Ferdisha Snagg.
“Summary of EU and UK Financial Sector Regulatory Initiatives in Response to COVID-19,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, May 24, 2020, co-author with Laura Prosperetti, Aurèle Delors, Charles-Antoine Wauters, Ferdisha Snagg, Clara Cibrario Assereto, Alexia Duquesne and Elodie Gianferrara.
“Opinion: The German Constitutional Court Has Fallen Into Its Own Trap,” IFLR, May 15, 2020.
“Navigating COVID-19: Best Practices for Managing Compliance Risk,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, March 26, 2020, co-author with Jennifer Kennedy Park, Lisa Vicens, Guillaume de Rancourt, and Caroline Hailey.
“COVID-19 – Monetary Stimulus and Relief Measures Announced by the European Central Bank and Member States Banking Authorities,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, March 25, 2020, co-author with Aurèle Delors, Elodie Gianferrara, Giuseppe Scassellati-Sforzolini, and Laura Prosperetti.
“COVID-19 – First Measures Announced by the French Government to Support the Banking Sector’s Effort to Finance Affected Businesses,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, March 19, 2020, co-author with François-Charles Laprévote, Aurèle Delors, and Elodie Gianferrara.
“COVID-19 – First Measures Adopted by EU Banking Authorities,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, March 17, 2020, co-author with Aurèle Delors, Giuseppe Scassellati-Sforzolini, Laura Prosperetti, and Bernardo Massella Ducci Teri.
“Europe’s Economic Response to the COVID-19 Crisis—the European Commission Steps In,” Cleary Gottlieb Alert Memorandum, March 16, 2020, co-author with Daniel P. Culley, François‑Charles Laprévote, and Till Müller‑Ibold.
GIR “Securities and Related Investigations Know-How Guide,” Global Investigations Review, September 2019. Author of the European Union Chapter.
GIR “Securities and Related Investigations Know-How Guide,” Global Investigations Review, October 25, 2018. Author of the European Union Chapter.
“The AMF Consults on Potential Legal Framework for ICOs and Launches Digital Asset Fundraising Sandbox,” co-author with Jeanne Theuret, February 20, 2018.
“The Reform of Bank Creditor Hierarchy in the EU,” Revue de Droit Bancaire et Financier, February 2018.
“Hand in hand or parallel paths? Reflections on the future coexistence of State aid control and bank resolution in the EU,” co-author with François-Charles Laprévote, Research Handbook on State Aid in the Banking Sector, December 2017.
GIR “Securities and Related Investigations Know-How Guide,” Global Investigations Review, October 17, 2017. Author of the European Union Chapter.
“The Liquidation of the Venetian Banks: Loophole or Circumvention of the EU Rules?,” IFLR, October 2017.
“Frexit: The Case Against,” co-author with Aurèle Delors, IFLR, May 2017.
“Over-reliance on Stress Tests Raises Legality Concerns,” IFLR, November 2016.
“The Commission is Playing With Fire,” IFLR, July/August 2016.
GIR “Securities and Related Investigations Know-How Guide,” Global Investigations Review, February 4, 2016. Author of the European Union chapter.
March 19, 2024
Euronext Annual Conference in Paris – Leading the Future of Capital Markets
February 28, 2024
November 21, 2023
November 9, 2023
Now and Next: Considerations for AI, FCPA Investigations, and ESG Law
October 29, 2023
June 28, 2023
Driving Change: Investment, Regulation, and Risk in Connection With the Climate Transition
January 16, 2023
January 10, 2023
Supervisory Impacts on Regulation - Basel III - Pilar 2 Versus Pilar 1?
June 13, 2022
June 24, 2021
European Financial Regulation, Litigation, and Enforcement Outlook 2021
June 10, 2021
Bank Rescues and Resolution in Europe: On the Brink of Reform?
October 15, 2019
2nd Annual QED Conference on the Future of European Financial Infrastructure
December 13, 2018
October 22, 2018
Legal Experts and Financial Crises: Prevention, Management, Resolution
October 7, 2018
June 24, 2018
How Should Policy Respond to the Rapid Technology Innovation in Finance
June 20, 2018
April 13, 2018
February 23, 2018
November 28, 2017
Cybersecurity Lessons from the Boardroom and C-suite to the Front Lines
September 15, 2017
World Economic Forum’s Mitigating Risks in the Innovation Economy Workshop
June 13, 2017
July 25, 2016