Cleary Gottlieb opened its Frankfurt office in 1991 after a longstanding history of serving clients located or doing business in Germany. Along with our Cologne location, Cleary’s German offices have approximately 45 lawyers, the large majority of whom received their primary legal training in Germany.
Many of our lawyers are also qualified to practice in more than one jurisdiction, with a significant number of our German-trained lawyers also being members of the New York bar. The German practice is devoted to providing clients with integrated German, pan-European and global legal advice in a broad range of practice areas.
Reflecting the firm’s overall commitment to creating a seamlessly interwoven legal practice, our Frankfurt office is not departmentalized by specialty. Many lawyers have had international experience, including rotations in one or more of our offices around the world; they are fluent in managing international transactions and dispute resolutions and collaborate easily with global colleagues. All our lawyers handle a wide variety of assignments and work cooperatively to share abilities across practices and jurisdictions.