Bank Rescues and Resolution in Europe: On the Brink of Reform?

The <em>Tercas</em> Judgment and Future Reform of the BRRD and the Banking State Aid Framework

June 10, 2021

Bank Rescues and Resolution in Europe



The current legal framework on bank rescues in the EU, which was set up after the 2008 financial crisis, is facing numerous challenges in the courts and in the public debate. Cleary Gottlieb senior counsel Mario Siragusa, partners François-Charles Laprévote and Amélie Champsaur, counsel Gianluca Faella, and guests Marino Ottavio Perassi of Banca d’Italia and Pedro Machado of SRB joined together for a lively discussion on this topic.

The webinar shed light on recent and possible future developments related to the Tercas case and its consequences, and possible perspectives for reforming the BRRD and the State aid framework applying to banks in the EU.

Watch the webinar here, and click to view the presentations by François-Charles Laprévote, Pedro Machado, and Marino Ottavio Perassi.