ABA Antitrust Section Session with Nancy Rose
June 25, 2015
June 25, 2015
Cleary Gottlieb, 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 8th floor, Washington, DC
On June 25, 2015, Cleary Gottlieb hosted an ABA Antitrust Section brownbag program featuring Nancy Rose, the Deputy AAG for Economic Analysis.
Prof. Nancy L. Rose, who became the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Economic Analysis at the Antitrust Division last fall, spoke about bargaining leverage and competitive effects, and about how the DOJ analyzed bargaining issues in recent investigations. She also took questions from a panel of antitrust attorneys and from the audience.
Cleary Gottlieb partner Mark W. Nelson appeared as one of the panelists and participated in the brownbag discussion.
For additional information, please visit the event’s website.