Caranina (Nina) Colpaert’s practice focuses on EU and Belgian competition law.

Nina joined the firm in 2024 as an associate. Prior to joining Cleary Gottlieb, Nina worked as a researcher and teaching assistant at KU Leuven. Additionally, she completed traineeships at the United Nations in New York City, and at the Cabinet of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.


“Free Movement of Goods and COVID-19: A Look at the Past and a Glance at the Future”, together with W. DEVROE, European Competition and Regulatory Law Review, pp. 337-340, July 2021.

“Law and access to vaccines: current challenges”, together with H. CLAES and J. GRUYTERS, European Competition Law Review, pp. 285-296, June 2021.

“Compulsory Licensing for Pharmaceuticals in the EU – a Reality Check”, Harvard Law Petrie-Flom Center Bill of Health Blog, October 2020.

“Corona and EU Economic Law: Competition and Free Movement in Times of Crisis”, together with F. BOSTOEN, W. DEVROE, J. GRUYTERS, L. MICHAUX, and L. VAN ACKER, European Competition and Regulatory Law Review, pp. 72–95, June 2020.