Larry Malm’s practice focuses on antitrust litigation.

Larry has represented clients on a number of high stakes civil litigations involving all aspects of antitrust law, including complex monopolization, restraint of trade, price-fixing, and merger issues. He has advised domestic and international clients in a range of industries on every stage of a complex antitrust litigation, including preliminary injunctions, motions to dismiss, discovery, summary judgment, class certification, pre-trial motions, trial, post-trial motions, appeal, and settlement. Larry has advised clients in proceedings in federal court, state court, and FTC administrative proceedings.  He also has experience with criminal matters before the DOJ antitrust division.

During law school he worked full-time at a prominent Washington think tank on U.S. foreign policy issues. Larry joined the firm in 2010 and became counsel in 2019.

Notable Experience

  • SpringerNature in defending a putative class action antitrust litigation filed in E.D.N.Y. alleging collusion among the world’s largest for profit publishers of peer reviewed scholarly journals in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act.

  • Iowa Premium in a successful motion to dismiss putative class action litigation in D. Colo. and related allegations of wage fixing in the red meat industry.

  • Swedish Match in defending class action litigation in E.D. Va. alleging sham litigation and an anticompetitive transaction.

  • Swedish Match in successful defense of monopolization claim based on alleged sham litigation in C.D. Cal.

  • Medtronic in defense of monopolization claims alleging anticompetitive bundling in C.D. Cal.

  • Sony Interactive Entertainment as a third party to In the Matter of Microsoft and Activision Blizzard and related proceedings.

  • NSK in defending DOJ investigations and related civil lawsuits in In re Autoparts in E. D. Mich., resulting in a defeat of class certification.

  • Keurig in defeating a preliminary injunction motion challenging “technological tying” of disposables with Keurig’s 2.0 brewer and following suits in the In re Keurig Green Mountain Single Serve Coffee Antitrust Litigation MDL in S.D.N.Y. 

  • Walgreens in successful motion to dismiss class action alleging participation in price fixing in the generic pharmaceutical industry in In re Generics in E.D. Pa.

  • Sabre Holdings in monopolization litigation by US Airways and American Airlines in S.D.N.Y., N.D. Tex, and Tarrant County, Texas, challenging non-discrimination provisions in Sabre’s agreements to distribute flights and fares through Sabre’s computerized reservation system

  • Sabre Holdings in defeating class certification in S.D.N.Y. in a putative class action case involving allegations of an antitrust conspiracy relating to contractual provisions in Sabre’s agreements to distribute flights and fares

  • Teladoc in winning a landmark preliminary injunction against the Texas Medical Board in W.D. Tex.

  • Nvidia as a third party in FTC v. Qualcomm and related proceedings in N.D. Cal.

  • IQVIA in monopolization litigation in D.N.J. and merger litigations in S.D.N.Y. and FTC administrative proceedings.

  • Several clients in criminal and civil proceedings related to allegations of price fixing and no poach.

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