Giancarlo Piscitelli’s practice focuses on European competition law and regulatory affairs.

His experience includes merger control proceedings, abuse of dominance investigations, and other regulatory matters including global Foreign Direct Investment control, and the Digital Markets Act.

Giancarlo joined the firm in 2022. Prior to joining, he completed a Blue Book traineeship at the European Commission in DG Comp, in the Antitrust unit for IT, Internet, and Consumer electronics.


  • When the Rubber Hits the (Digital) Road: Developments Regarding the Digital Markets act Since March 2024,” Alix Anciaux, Giancarlo Piscitelli, Thomas Verheyden, Jean Pettiaux, Xavier Bascompte, Beatriz Martos Stevenson, Miguel Frognier Pérez, Elinor du Parc, Areti Maria (Iria) Kitsou, Kristi Georgieva, and Pauline Heingle, Cleary Antitrust Watch blog, February 25, 2025
  • EU FDI: State Of The Union (2024),” François-Charles Laprévote, Isabel Rooms, Mirko von Bieberstein, Romi Lepetska, John Messent, Aurèle Delors, Francesco Iodice, Vladimir Novak, Giancarlo Piscitelli, and Beatriz Martos Stevenson, Cleary Foreign Investment and International Trade Watch blog, November 21, 2024