CFTC Issues First Whistleblower Award Originating From Both a Related Action and a Company Outsider

March 11, 2019

On March 4, 2019, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced a whistleblower award of over $2 million to an individual—unaffiliated with the company the CFTC charged—for providing expert analysis in conjunction with a related action instituted by another federal regulator.

While the Securities and Exchange Commission, which possesses a similar whistleblower award regime,has previously issued awards to multiple claimants for both related actions and to company outsiders, this is the first such award to be granted by the CFTC in either respect.

Read the article on the Cleary Enforcement Watch blog. The article was republished by Law360. This article was also republished in Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.