Senior Counsel Till Müller-Ibold Appointed Honorarprofessor by the University of Passau, Germany
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
Cleary Gottlieb senior counsel Till Müller-Ibold has been appointed as an “extraordinary” Professor of Law (Honorarprofessor) by the University of Passau, Germany.
The appointment enables Till to more fully integrate into the academic life of the university and impart his broad practical experience in competition law (such as EU scrutiny of State aid), EU sanctions regulation, public procurement, anti-dumping, and trade law, as well as in the representation of private parties and government entities in the European courts.
Professor Dr. Christoph Herrmann, chair of the department for Public and European Law of the University of Passau commented, “Dr. Müller-Ibold comes with extraordinary know-how and experience of EU and international competition and trade law, based on his outstanding career as a practicing lawyer in one of the most renowned law firms worldwide. At the same time he has stayed in close contact with the academic world, as is evidenced by his scholarly publications and teaching activities. We are extremely happy to be able to recognize his achievements and to integrate him on a lasting basis even further into the law school and its faculty by appointing him as an ‘extraordinary’ professor of law.”
Till said of the appointment, “I’m looking forward to enhancing legal education through practical insights. Moreover, Passau University is already blessed with an extraordinary faculty, including in particular on EU and international law matters, and I am eager to contribute to the scholarly exchanges in an area of the law that is characterized, as few others, by the need for close interaction of theory and practice.”
To learn more about the appointment, read the university’s press release.