Cleary Gottlieb Recognized as a Top 50 Innovative Law Firm in Financial Times Law Index – Europe

September 13, 2024

Cleary Gottlieb has been recognized in the FT Law Firm Index – Europe as a top 50 innovative law firm.

This ranking, published by the Financial Times, recognizes the most innovative law firms in Europe and takes into account how law firms are innovating as businesses, managing their people, and reinventing services and delivery models. Cleary placed in joint 34th position.

Cleary has also been recognized at the FT Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe 2024 with the following honors:

  • Highly Commended: Innovation in Regulatory Solutions
    In response to client demands for a more efficient way to manage their Foreign Subsidies Regulation filings, Cleary and ClearyX developed an innovative portal that allows companies to document, monitor, and submit M&A transactions and public procurement bids via a customized interactive platform.
  • Commended: Innovation in Improving Client Experience
    Using a unique AI workflow tool that we codeveloped with our e-Discovery vendor, Lighthouse Global, Cleary analyzed close to 10 million documents within a couple of months to establish – in a cost-effective manner – which documents needed to be provided in response to a U.S. Federal Trade Commission HSR second request.

Our ranking and commendations are a testament to the firm’s dedication to providing creative solutions for clients and helping to guide them towards agile, sustainable outcomes.

To learn more about the Financial Times Law Firm  Index – Europe, click here.