Cleary Gottlieb Launches Enforcement Watch Blog
January 9, 2018
January 9, 2018
Cleary Gottlieb has launched Cleary Enforcement Watch, a new blog that provides news and analysis related to global enforcement, white-collar and regulatory trends, and other relevant developments.
Lev L. Dassin, a member of Cleary’s White-Collar Defense and Investigations practice group, said: “The past decade has seen a marked increase in the complexity and scope of cross-border enforcement and regulatory investigations, from the largest FCPA investigations to the benchmark rates cases (and many matters in between). This has not only impacted traditional white-collar enforcement considerations, but also transactional work, disclosures, and regulatory compliance across jurisdictions. The Enforcement Watch blog will give Cleary’s deep bench of enforcement lawyers—many of whom have experience in both the private and public sectors as former federal prosecutors or SEC officials—along with lawyers from other practice groups with relevant experience, an opportunity to share their insights and analysis with clients relating to these complex enforcement issues on a near real-time basis.”
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