Cleary Gottlieb Counsel in Four China Business Law Journal “Deals of the Year”

January 31, 2014

Cleary Gottlieb advised on four transactions named “Deals of the Year” 2013 by China Business Law Journal.

The winning deals are:

Overseas M&A Deals of the Year:

CNOOC’s takeover of Nexen (Cleary represented Citi, as financial advisor).

CWEI (Hong Kong)’s acquisition of EDP Renewables’ wind power assets (Cleary represented CWEI).

Debt Capital Market Deal of the Year:

CITIC Securities credit-enhanced bond offering (Cleary represented CITIC).

Private Equity and Venture Capital Deal of the Year:

TPG’s sale of its stake in UT Capital Group to Haitong (Cleary represented TPG).

China Business Law Journal is a leading fully bilingual (Chinese and English) legal magazine focusing on China.