Cleary Gottlieb achieved outstanding results in the first edition of Legal 500 Latin America. The guide highlights Cleary Gottlieb as one of the best international law firms in Latin America with five leading practices. Cleary Gottlieb is the only firm ranked in the top tier for capital markets. The firm also ranked in the top tier for banking & finance and corporate M&A.
The following Cleary Gottlieb practices are recognized for being the best or among the best in Latin America, based on Legal 500’s interviews of firm clients and lawyers at other firms:
Banking & Finance – “Overall, the firm is commended for its ‘great knowledge of local regulations and international law,’ and its ‘helpful,’ responsive, ‘organized’ and ‘value for money’ advice…. ‘The firm provides the benchmark for which many of its competitors judge themselves against.’”
Capital Markets – “The ‘very strong’ firm is ‘very efficient’ and provides an ‘excellent service.’ Clients say that it is ‘unique’ in the sense that its lawyers are ‘extremely collaborative,’ and is ‘by far the best’ in Latin America.”
Corporate/M&A – “Clients see the firm as ‘a long-term partner that brings not only legal knowledge but also a good practical business sense’…. ‘It is global in nature, has great local insights and has some of the best talent I have seen in the industry.’”
International Arbitration – “Its ever-deepening commitment to the region has been underlined by the establishment of offices in Buenos Aires and São Paulo in 2009 and 2011, respectively…. ‘[The firm] demonstrates very high business acumen and an excellent capacity for problem solving.’”
Projects – “Cleary Gottlieb’s service is always efficient and effective. It offers the right level of analysis and quick response time. The firm provides insights and creative solutions to complex issues.”