Alumni Spotlight: Anson Lau (2010-2013; Hong Kong, New York)

January 28, 2021

To celebrate Cleary Gottlieb’s 75th anniversary, alumni around the globe are taking time to reflect on their experiences at the firm.

Anson Lau, Director and Senior Corporate Counsel at Salesforce in California, shared his thoughts below.

What lessons did you learn at Cleary that prepared you for your future career?

“Do what you love and you’ll never work a day,” said Confucius.

“That’s because nobody is hiring,” quipped another. 

Instead of hopping from gig to gig in hopes of stumbling upon a place of employ that sparks everlasting joy, you may find that sticking to something, despite the hardships, will make you better at what you do. And the better you are at something, the more likely you will enjoy (even if you never adore) it. Cleary was an ideal place to nurture a career (as opposed to a job)—working on sophisticated deals, alongside whip smart colleagues and training underneath mentors who proactively scrutinized you and your work so you could continually move forward.

What Cleary person and/or experience had a lasting impact on you personally?

Sung K. Kang and Robert Williams were great mentors who put up with a lot from me—but also those whom I could enjoy drinks with over a delicious meal. Aside from the top brass, I also value all my fellow associates, who are too many to name but with whom I will remain in lifelong contact, though many of us have left the firm.

Why do you participate in the alumni network, and what would you say to someone who is considering getting involved?

Free drinks and food. And, of course, the camaraderie when remaining in contact with alumni and current Cleary folks.

To learn more about Cleary’s global alumni network, click here.