ABA Federal Civil Enforcement Conference: Nuts and Bolts of Agency Subpoenas and Subpoena Compliance
October 14, 2011
October 14, 2011
Washington, D.C.
On October 14, 2011, Cleary Gottlieb partner Leah Brannon appeared on a panel entitled “Nuts and Bolts of Agency Subpoenas and Subpoena Compliance” at the American Bar Association’s Federal Civil Enforcement Conference. The panel looked at subpoenas from start to finish including how agency lawyers draft subpoenas, issues faced by outside counsel as they interpret the subpoenas and try to comply with them, and the problems presented by agency subpoenas for inside counsel. The panel also discussed what the agency attorneys consider when they are thinking about whether to begin an enforcement action. The material was pitched to the lawyers in the trenches who are actually drafting subpoenas and facing subpoena compliance issues.