Pro Bono Client Wins Social Security Disability Benefits Claim Appeal

June 27, 2008

Cleary Gottlieb won a disability claim appeal for pro bono client Ms. P, obtaining Supplemental Security Income disability benefits after the Social Security Administration had denied her initial benefits application. The SSA issued its decision in Ms. P’s favor on June 27.

This triumph extended Cleary Gottlieb’s unbroken streak of victories since 2005. Cleary Gottlieb represents individual clients on referral from Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A.

The judge found that Ms. P suffers from a mental impairment, which made her unable to respond appropriately to changes in a work setting. The judge’s decision concluded that Ms. P is unable to work due to this disability, and is therefore entitled to benefits.

In preparing Ms. P’s appeal, the Cleary Gottlieb team researched her medical condition and the applicable Social Security regulations, obtained additional medical records, filed a pre-hearing memorandum, represented Ms. P in her hearing before an administrative law judge, and responded to the judge’s concerns.